Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Built both of these suckers today.

Allstar Lower, 20" barrel with a battlecomp 2.0
DPMS Lower, 18" barrel with a PWS FSC

and then a Springfield XD45 ACP while picking up the Allstar Lowers

Benchmade Doug Ritter Griptilian

Fu guys

Come at me bro

Bitch please

Oh shit. I’m fucked Lol

do you have an old verizon phone?

No, I just switched from Nextel tonight and my Nextel phone is broken.

congrats on moving up in the world

That phone was siiick when I was in elementary school. Don’t go near any 9 year old girls with that thing, you might actually get laid.

it sure beats busted ass Nextel phones like the one I was using with a broken hinge that kept shutting itself off and not holding a charge.

I just wanted a cheap phone that works.

droid 3. wanted the slide out keyboard more than i wanted 4g (mostly gonna be used in wifi zones anyway)

the last set of axles i will ever need for a VW.

SICK! Love the custom labels too!

dude, they are so heavy

Are they for the TDI? Or your other one?

custom brett wheeler axles haha!!! hopefully your ready to rock now

Termignoni GP Slip on


all i have is the tdi.