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Anyone interested in a ithaca .16 ga dearslayer ? Or a ruger m77 255 savage ?

if it’s sealed, it won’t affect a pistol permit. ask me how i know.

I have a sealed record…applied for government jobs (state) and never had any issues record wise. Also been in court and never got any grief about it.

I was under Youthful Offender status which I guess is only offered once though…maybe that makes a difference?

How do you know

Yes it will. Permits are handed out on a county by county basis, and each judge is the issuing officer. I was talking with a pistol safety class instructor last night about my permit denial and he asked if it was because I had a juvenile record that was sealed. He knows people, and so do people on that have been denied a permit because they thought their records were sealed as well so they did not disclose their convictions to the judge. A judge can view that as lying on the permit app, and deny right then and there. Other judges may look at it as “well he was young and dumb, no big deal” and approve the application. It is 100% up to the judge on if you get a permit or not. Ask me how I know.

It could, but as in my post I made replying to Wayne, some places will chalk it up as a dumb mistake you made way back when and not give a shit.

…how do you know?

because his shit got denied for this exact reason…

I’ll wait for him to answer to verify.

My permit was denied because of getting caught driving on a suspended license, in 2006, along with a string of speeding tickets I got in mid-2009. I have no juvenile record at all.

Technically, I posted “how I know” in that post, I was just being a smart ass to Wayne.


Technically both times i asked how you guys knew was being a smartass at you both. :lol

Technically, I knew that before, but was playing along.

My record is huge , drugs / weapons / battery / etc I’m fucked

hey gun queers…

If I was a mod. I would NAZI the SHIT outta the last 2 pages!

that is all.

KK over and out


CC over and out.

Bought a coffee can

So I can show Krazy Kid the difference between a coffee can and a vacuum reservoir.

Fuckin guys be all loud and shit lol , noobs
