Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

i had to scroll down the the engine bay pic to beat it :rofl

I was thinking the dates on the calendar lined up with this year but then I saw that they dont. What good is it then?

My grandfather used to save and reuse calendars all the time and he’d cross out the year and write the new year in pencil on it. Guy saved everything.

The pictures are BOSS as fuck! YUBLIND

I had a visit from my town saying they got complaints over the amount of non running cars on the property.

I asked him to define “running”. :rofl

Love my s drives, they’re a little beat now and getting a bit noisy but still stick like glue.

I had great luck with S.Drives as well. Only gripe was they wore a little faster than I expected.

Just bought this since my dog is a houdini, and at 30 lbs managed to snap plexiglass and break out of her crate again. It’s billed as the Alcatraz of dog crates haha.

Oh my goddddd hahahahahaha

+1 hahaha

she’ll get out. somehow.

my old dog used to shut herself into her cage and would come get one of us to lock her in it if we forgot to at night.

She better not for the cost of the damn jail cell… I mean crate. All the reviews I’ve read about it say that the persons dog has met its match with the cage with the exception of one review where I guess someones german shepard after a while was able to chew through the steel bars… I’m thinking my 30 lb mutt isnt as powerful as a 60lb shepard. Here’s what the site says about it:

Constructed to be the Alcatraz of pet cages, the 3/4" frame is forged from 20-guage steel and reinforced by 1/2" diameter steel tubes for the strongest, sturdiest, most durable cage on the market.
Designed specifically for powerful dogs that are able to claw or chew their way out of other cages and crates.

Heavy-duty welds and stout dual door latches make these cages virtually indestructible.

This is the crate I needed when I was trying to crate train my dog.

Kali naza in carbon liberty

My dog is starting to eat the steel wire crate he has . Little fucker . How much was that alcatraz. Crate ??

no pictures to post, but the blockbuster off of exit 15 is going out of business and has all their stuff on sale for stupid cheap… i picked up 9 blu rays today for under $55

I saw that when i was leaving subway right there today, didnt know they had that good of deals, ill have to check that out before i go to work tomorrow and build up a few more dvds

most dvds in the store are $3.99 and the blu rays are typically $6.99 right now… apparently, every week or so prices go down more… i’ll definitely be back in there for more!

Damn that’s not a bad deal at all ^

Bought some Ramen to experiment with

You just brought back memories lol… When I was madddd poor I used to just buy like 8 cases of shit shit and eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner to save money lol. crazy.

hell i still eat it because i like it… drop 2 eggs in there while it’s cooking and then top it off with some of that filipino hot sauce with the chicken on the bottle and i’m all set