Post a PIC of your latest purchase.



If not, jealous.

bryan your photobucket account name is 1flossedm3 ?

He did have a couple M3s before any of this Supra crap.

Congrats bro, whens it going to arrive. Nice wedding present to yourself.

I was seriously debating buying one this year too. Congrats on the new automowhip. Extremely jealous

Congrats… if you ever want the car to get driven, let me know.

Fuck yeah dude, one hell of a wedding gift! Perfect color too :number1

1 Owner
7000 miles
bone stock

Thanks bro. It’s in Florida, should be getting loaded on a transport early next week. Probably be here in a couple weeks.


GODRIRRA. Took fucking forever to locate a pearl white 2010+

Worth the wait for sure man. I’m suprised it took you this long to get one, but what better way to get one though

Have fun today dude!

Yea, I realized clean cars aren’t cheap. Wasn’t settling on something beat. White also seems to pull a premium… especially during race wars.


Keeping the Supra and using this as a Daily? :excited

Unfortunately I can’t afford to have 120k in cars lieing around. :frowning:

All good, I was ready to move on.

So is that trailer nicer than mine or about the same? I think the soup liked mine better. Lol.

COngrats dude that fucking rules. Please get godzirra or flylice on the plates.

so fucking sick dude. figures we get your car all sorted and you sell it. DICK.

damn dude sucks to see it go! congrats on selling it tho


:excited:excited! Congrats!

Very nice purchase. Now you and T$ can be bros and tear up the clubs of Jersey Shore together.