Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

That stuff is terrible.

actually it works great. Goes on easy and comes off easy and doesnt fuck up all the black plastic on my truck.

Only off the shelf I like is meguiars

Trucks should be waxed, never polished. You want to show off those scratches with pride.

I actually used the wax, not the polish. I didnt even notice the pic was different but I just checked and it was wax I used.

I clay barred the fuck out of it first then waxed it.

Please tell me you ddient purchase stock in facebook

IDK if that was a thumbs up for jons comment or not :rofl Looks somewhat like the like symbol in facebook

I was giving John the thumbs up.

Would neg him if I could, but it won’t let me again.

you bought ECS Tuning? damn insurance must be paying well!

I wish

^ imagine if you didn’t have a motorized pump or even a manual pump…forever lighthead :lol

gtr is baby

DAMN, Thats awesome! How much? and where did you buy?

For the golf bag


Thanks, man.

So what do you use that for… for like drinking on the golf course? So what your trying to tell us is that you drink on the golf course? I am very impressed.