Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Hah, you live about 30 seconds from me.

Nice Jeep :cone

That truck is fucking sick. Nice buy for sure.

Sully gettin’ loud

That seems like it would be cool for about 10 seconds, then I’d start to wonder where the fuck my money is going.



Cob NIS 006 with TCM mapping.

Here we go

Nick weren’t you interning in GA making like 5 figures a year? What’d you do with all the money you made?

Hookers and blow.


Yeah I meant to post that in the Failero deck thread.

That’ll happen.

RS Taichi GP max R100 suit

fuck. now im done for a while.

Oh wow… that looks expensive

Not true dual?! Mind blown! Sweet setup though, TITanium?

whose tuning the car? jack cecil?