Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Easy there, shooter. That smiley was there for a reason… it was a joke.

But to answer your concerns ( :rolleyes: )… I don’t drive the Altima when I don’t need to, that keeps meat on the tires and miles off the odometer. It’s all about resale value now, baby, we’re in the home stretch.

When the hell did you get the idea that the M3 is going to see a single snowflake or grain of salt? FUCK that, my 4 year old car is already starting to rust because of that shit, no way I’m going to let a car that’s actually nice go down the same path. The M3 will stay in my garage from Nov 1-April 1, trust me.

And my dad picked me up from work once because I was shitting my brains out and throwing up the night before and he didn’t want me driving the car, there just happened to be a snowstorm the next day.

Anything else you’d like to discuss?? :rolleyes:


i’d like to here more arguing between you too.

When does Notorius come out?

lol. Good move changing the subject, you were going nowhere with your original one :smiley:

But to answer your question, Friday. Raj will be jizzing his pants all week. I’m pissed I have to see him in class once a day this whole week because I will wring his neck by Wednesday.

Figured id acctualy buy it…

That Focus is definitely tuned

you can tell by the checkers

Focus is SRS BZNZ!

Sweet, more power!

^^ pretty nice i.r. gun.

yeah it is

hopefully I can finish pulling apart my parts car now. Damn LCA bolts.

eat fresh baby

The filipino lady at the Subway in Menands gave me a Subway card today… I told her i’d be back lol

She certainly knows how to make them sandwiches!

Tinted Boost gauge, the oil pressure gauge should be here in a day or 2… looks the same

Dude, that’s probably one of the best, if not the best Subway I’ve been to…They always make my sub perfect. I give them :up:up for sure.

Fuck yeah dude… everytime I go there its the filipino lady and the mexican guy. They are nice as hell, the place is always clean, and the subs are nothing short of amazing.


Glow shift sucks

For real…only thing I dislike is the small area for parking(going at lunchtime sucks ass) and that huge random bump with a smiley face on it:rofl My car car hit last week from parking in the lot next to Subway, some douche hit it and drove off while I was in Subway:bh:

oh and the man and woman you’re talking about are the owners, they’re both middle-eastern not filipino and mexican :rofl:rofl