post lines Pittspeeders use to get laid...



flatblackterror: “did you know I have a yahoo personals account??? wanna cyber?”

trumpnet- Ill show you my pink car if i can see your pink.

:kekegay: shouldn’t this thread be titled;

“post lines Pittspeeders use to TRY to get laid”

another awesome darkstar thread

this is a good thread

burny d = hey baby what are you doing durring recess?

rmrider897 - honest, I’m not gay he sucked my dick!

hahaha…fingerbang…now I have that South Park song in my head…funny shit

BlueZ06 - “So after I graduated from PSU, I traveled the world for a while…Vienna, Paris, Rome. I keep this house here in Baldwin just because its close to my family. I like to keep my Lear jet on standby at all times, just in case I want to go to Vegas or Mila… I’m sorry could you hold on a sec… MOM I SAID I’D CLEAN MY ROOM UP AFTER DINNER! OKAY??? MOM! SHUT UP I HAVE COMPANY!!! So anyways, where were we?..”

Hybridynamics: “Hey Eric, could you hit speed dial #1 for me…Hi, Mrs Sebek?”

so funny if it were true, and I’m not from Baldwin originally, and well, I don’t live there, but good try

bwahahahaa the kids quote and darkstar ones sealed it! :smiley:

slowlow- " hey… hey honey!!!, heres some chap stick, from where im standin your lips look a little dry"


BlkP42E: Hey ther…SLAP!

OH WOW! I seriously just LOL no lie, i been trying to come up with one for chris, and that was the angle i was headed towards just couldnt put the words down. good ONE! :bigthumb:

gotta keep them in check.

at least spell my name right asshats…but yes that was a good one :rofl: