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I like arguing about stupid shit so heres my opinion on the two motors


  • displacement and 6 cylinders
  • sounds cool
  • very smooth
  • head design
  • top feed injectors
  • gay ugly ass intake manifold
  • gay heavy engine
  • gay inline 6 configuration means the engine is further forward in the bay
  • gay oiling system that is susceptible to starvation under high lateral g
  • with stock mounts, engine sits higher…gay
  • harder to install
  • expensive to install FMIC
  • costs more than SR
  • gay ceramic turbo
  • gay tiny exhaust housing that chokes over 11psi and at high rpm


  • aluminum (light)
  • I-4, so far back in the bay
  • easier to make intercooler piping
  • cheaper
  • S14 T28 is available for cheap, which can push almost 300whp
  • engine is nicer looking
  • gay sound
  • gay head design
  • gay side feed injectors

Overall SR20>RB25