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love white koukis <3
either the car is too low
or the snow is too high.

Either way, I finally got internet & a day off.

Now someone sell me a cheap 52mm EGT/pyrometer gauge and an A/F ratio gauge!


Ebay is your best bet my friend!

yep, they are for sale now!

clean lookin zenki
seen you today on upper james. i was in my explorer. nice to know there’ll be more hamilton boys out there takin the heat from me this summer lol.

lol Yeah, that was me. I went up to the Mandarin on Upper James with a buddy. I saw a red pignose hatch on the way back on the side of King Street.

I remember seeing an Explorer or two, but I’m not sure exactly where you saw me.

I was on my way to the mountain animal hospital across from metro, I think u turned somewhere before mohawk near the lcbo.

Ah yeah, I stopped at Lou’s Music near LCBO. My friend needed some guitar strings. Btw, this may be a stretch, but can you recall seeing my left read mudflap on the car? I just recently lost it (had to have been that day). I wonder if I still had it on there at that point. lol

lol no idea man, i only got a quick glimpse.


Just thought I’d ask haha. I went out to drive my car on Friday and was like wtf… where is my mudflap?

I was bored so here some from last year…

Nice car man



The Green looks alot better with the Blue etc than I thought it would when you told me that you wanted that shade :smiley:

^ Nice CA! “baby RB” I’m aiming to get mine this summer!!

Just be ready to do a complete rebuild with all new bearings, rings, seals, and gaskets before you do anything. If you don’t do it right away, you will be not long after putting it in.

After you do though…pure smooth :smiley: