Here are a few pics I took this afternoon of my engine bay after getting VC and IC pipes back from powdercoat. Sorry lighting was bad so you cant see the metallic in the powdercoat.
Upper rad hose looks sharp, a lot better than Gonads. Why does the powder coating look so crappy?? Where did you have it done so I make sure never to go there.
^ im sure it looks a lot better in person, like he said the lighting was bad
trust me the pics dont do it justice. Jeff did a really good job, I just wanted to clean things up a bit, everything looks allot nicer now. I’ll be sure to come out to a meet so ppl can see it in person, or i’ll try to get some better pics, just hard to catch the sun the right way to show it off.
Ed, that is a pretty fucked up comment…
I realize these pictures are poo because of my cell phone, and the fact that my car is made to look stock except for the koukis so it’s nothing really exciting anyway…but hey, I had a picture moment. Thought i’d share.
Gotta love the winter wheels (haven’t put the summers on yet lol), stock-ish style exhaust, and the flat-black intercooler though! Oh yeah.
I’ve still never been pulled over in this car for almost 2 years!
You guys are rockin’ some nice 240’s! Keep them coming!
Jesse those rims are looking sweet on your car. I knew they would.
thanks bro man.
You need something else pink to match the rims.
i do, its a faded sparco evo.
in the off season im gona take them apart and change the color if i keep them.
im more of a function over form type of person… though some days i would like to have a more visually appealing car… thats what happens when you pay for a good paint job and get a shit one in return.
No man leave it like that!
im such a picture whore.
it rained and i thought it looked cool, so i went outside while i was working and took these
here is a newer shot of my car pulled out of storage this winter for a pic
Its a small Pic but you get the Idea
Dam you can not even see the IC when the pic is this small
What did you do to it Jess hehe
quarter panels are a bitch to fix