Ya I’ve never seen that one around (and I’m in R.Hill)
Got the 5 bolt rear + LSD done… and it ONLY took me 3 half days. lol
Front is about done.
Neither have I, I spot the area in around Thornhill too
You red_line, got facebook? add me look for chris price, let me know when you come to thornlea
I can’t even find you on facebook man, just look for me Gurpreet Singh.
I’m sure you got a couple people who are mutual friends of mine, haha cool.
Nope :|, just add me to msn, cfcprice@hotmail.com
My new to me car. Not so good body. Good parts…most of all…CHEAPPPPPPP!
Took some quick photos. Didn’t turn out as well as I liked didn’t bring enough lights and car was filthy.
BTW…anyone know if the car was built by anyone on this forum? I would really love to ask the guy who built it some questions. Previous owner was a 19 yo kid who didn’t know much about it at all. Never even plated it.
lol thats my buddies old car
not the 19 year old kid
SICK!!! Anyway you could put me in touch with him? I’d like to ask him some stuff to make my life easier!
PM if you can, thanks dude.
Car looks great Matty, congrats!
that purple s14 looks like Jammals old car.
I think that’s the guy on the UVIP. Brampton area?
Anyone have his contact info? It would take some guesswork out of diagnosing some stuff and also would love to have some info on teh brake setup so i can replace some stuff on the car without ordering the wrong stuff.
my new ride for 2009!
Lookin good matts
Just confirmed, it is jammal on the uvip. any contact info would appreciated.
Thanks guys! Love the fact that this community is tight enough where people knows history on the cars all floating around.
yeah i thought i recognized that car, message heatw or keez, they both know the dude’s number, pantaloons as well i think
I was playing around with my camera and photoshop, this is what I got:
solid picture solarian
pignose ftw