Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)

Looks better than this guy in my auto class who painted his car black… The paint almost looks like dabs, like it’s not even smooth. To make things worse it’s a Cavalier with a giant gay spoiler and it sounds like the only speaker he has is a sub in the trunk because all you hear is bass and it rattles the trunk lid and sounds horrible. I think he also spray painted the tail lights to black them out a little (that’s what it looks like) and I can’t remember if it has shitty chrome hubcaps or not. Maybe tomorrow if I’m quick enough I’ll nab a pic of it on my lunch and post it :slight_smile:

Here you go white240:

A few more that turned out alright from last cayuga/tmp track day:

holy shit this dudes from florida lol.

  1. Resize that shit
  2. Your camera man sucks balls.


wow white 240, awesome 4 door. Im a little jealous right now…

That thing would be even more awesome with some aero


car is still ugly

and slow

Yep Ahmed. You proved me wrong!

Who did your body work? Helen Keller? you should prolly start doing something about that juice

Don’t beat a dead horse over and over again, its getting OLD

ahmed what size are your wheels?

17x9.5+18 all around

TMP is the devil’s track.

last pic befor new color and some other stuff

That’s one mean fmic kyle, what’s your planned new colour?

black or gold and black

hahahahaha, that was so random.

Well whatever hopefully we’ll get dunnville reopened woopie do :-/

ahmed, your car honestly makes me want to throw up everytime i see it. Whats even worse is that its slow as hell too…

…only when you try to continue driving UP onto the track, after a run off, where the pavement is raised.

skirts have been mounted! i need non cellular phone photos. enjoy?