oops double post
it looks like you went for a late night tobogganing
hey ahmed, i know you REALLY wanted me to NOT have your precious headlights, but i guess the universe wanted me to have them…
in case you cant read that, it says “hey ahmed, fuck you ~ Breaker77”
lol. passed through that thread. Guessed you bought em haha.
lol congratulations i see you were that desperate no wonder you were holding grudges and a shit starter on more than one forum because i wouldnt sell them to you. Lol what a desperate loser. Have a nice day
I hope that manifold isn’t stainless steel then…
“oh, the irony”
how many times have you been banned here and keep coming back?
nah im just gonna use them to spite you.
xfd you madddd
astfuf lives! hahahahaha.
i wasted my time building this rad/intake support.
lol why would i be mad, you think your car costs 7000$ and you just got your first non oem/junkyard mod ever. I’m quite amused actually
rusty pliered fenders, stock ka, dicks in your ass.
id say im a little better off then you.
lol ‘rusty plied fenders’ and tires bigger than your dick + frp fenders ready to be installed
stock ka with boltons which will harass you on the track and probably humiliate you in the corners and that has nothing to do with the ka but alas Not trying to be a show off but when people think you have a turbo because you overtake their turbo car but you tell them you have a stock ka with boltons its a bit humiliating the other way around not the ka guy
and sorry but i am antihomosexuality. Take your gay shit to church street now stop pollutting this thread with your anti-me ranter and your first non oem/non-junk yard mod.
255’s are the biggest tires that a 120hp ka would ever need. even thats too big. so go eat a dick homo.
lol is that suppose to be insulting? I can’t wait until summer I wonder how much power your sr powered stock car will need to keep up with me with those sexy skyline gts 16" wheels and all seasons
Well I have a stock KA I know
That’s what makes the car so much fun
By the way go back to grammar class because you can’t even do an apostrophe after someone’s name. Epic fail.
apostrophes are for faggots btw
There’s only males and females, the ones who go after the same gender are mentally troubled. You can find your common folks on church street, I am not interested in your kind.
I support the jump in and drive mentality. IMO I think it’s better to buy a stick car and then drive it home. That’s what I did…in the rain…rush hour traffic, brown people on my ass, hills. I made it home without stalling on the road because I had no other options. I eitheir commit 100% or I lose, and that’s when the best results come quick IMO. I wouldn’t change a thing about how I learned stick.
I need to bust out a can of Duplicolor and paint my valve cover too.
im hoping for the best.
if it cracks it cracks.
the heat off the thing keeps melting couplings off the turbo… hoping this will fix it.
Maybe you shouldn’t be a cheap ass and do it better, do it right? Oh wait my oem fenders are a catastrophe because they are a temporary solution, but here you don’t care if the manifold cracks lmao.
do you even know what your saying?
i doubt it.
go spout some more bullshit im DYING to read what you have to say faggotron