Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)

new pic of my S13 with the carbon zenki front lip i made

new pic of my S13 with the carbon zenki front lip i made

^^^ Not bad man looks clean, how did you make that just out of curiousity?

i pritty much took a zenki lip and did it in carbon fiber. im still learning the process but i made a bunch of parts for my S13 already like. carbon B-pillers,fuse boxes,gas door,and my arm rest and center console. its fun to play with i have all winter to make different parts and experement.

whats the cost to all of this

as in the vinyl stickers from canadian tire/part source?

no as in carbon fiber smart ass. raw carbon,resin,clear and a shit load of sanding.

ya right…if you cant tell the difference between a sticker and the real thing…ummmm “houston weve got a problem”

looks good buddy… were coming with this whole process


if it was blu-ray or HD i could have.


LoL who in the right state of mind would use sticker CF on a exterior parts.

that’s gotta be the best dam vinyl stickers, if so.

Did none of you read the title of this thread… it says (PICS ONLY).



post one pic then blab for three posts. clown

I tried to make people stop… didn’t realize that was blabbing.

You wanna scrap?? RIGHT HERE!

Cry me a fucking river:

hahaah thats friggin golden

& the definition of jewish :smiley: <3

And you wonder why people think you’re gay.

Poor skyline.

you left your lights on