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Nice car Fastback240!

fastback, I don’t think you need to prove anything at the track. Because you just proved how much of an idiot you are. Shame on you.

BURN !!!


having a prove it at the track sticker and not actually going is like having a hks (or aftermaket company of choice) sticker and not actually having the parts = ricer
it is a clean body though…

where i live i cant drive down my street without some idiot in a cav. shitfire or honda try to race me. daily i get atleast 6 ppl try to race me. its bad and iv been pulled over to many times for nothing or cops thinking i was raceing cause my car was red and they saw a red car race down highway2. since i put the prove it at the track sticker on i havent got pulled over once. so its staying. i will be at the track soempoint this season just not now. if you think im rice or an idiot for not liking getting pulled over than thats cool. think what youd like. but dont assume that im some mad street drifter purely cause i dont go to the track. not every 240 owner buys a 240 to go drifting.

fobwall - what took you so long? i was starting to miss you.
peter - stfu lol
larree - it is a clean body… thanks. and i do go to the track just not lately.

lol fail X 1000
yeah your spelling sucks a little more then your car.

this is turning into WAY too big of a drama fest

im gonna clean this up in a couple days

until then… yes, having a ‘prove it at the track’ sticker when you never hit the track is kind of lame

BUT given the current political climate and general police douchebaggery, using it to avoid getting pulled over is acceptable in my books

HOWEVER i cant really imagine it working as well as you think… i doubt a sticker (thats not even immediately recognizable) would prevent a cop from pulling you over… maybe it would get you out of a ticket… but a roadside stop? i doubt it

i chalk it up to coincidence

but yeah… sticker or not, as long as you dont do stupid shit on the street, youre cool with me and with this club :slight_smile: so dont pay attention to haters

Why dont you guys shut up? It’s quite simple actually. It’s his car he can do what he wants, and if he decides to drift on the street or where ever it’s his problem and he will have to face the consequences. Lastly, is that sticker a big deal, it can possibly help stop some idiots trying to street race, or go extremely fast. Now you can leave him alone :smiley:

uhh… shut up.

we all face the consequences

My zenki, navan front and rear, kouki sides, haha i’m finally starting to like this car after over a year of ownership lol… Now if I could just find the time to put the turbo kit on it…

The point is, its his car. What part of that you don’t you get? Please explain

what part of “we all share the consequences” dont YOU get?

the car being his has nothing to do with it

agreed. i just find it stupid that sonlings think that just because you dont go to a track must mean that you street drift. weaksauce.

besides that who cares if the sticker dose or dose not get me pulled over. at this point ill do anything that may help.

its true ask any1 out this way. DRJ and honda boys are idiots here. they try to race everyone.

i love haters. it makes me laugh some of the stupid remarks. the world needs haters, anyone who dosent have anyone to hate on feel free to hate on me!

stop trying to be cool.

the way the car looks is up to me, its my car and if anyone dosent like it, to bad

my actions as well as any other 240 owners actions on the road WILL reflect on the 240 world.

end of story.

LOL shawn getting pwned.

Lol, that shifter is too cool for school. I believe jstn also has one; refers to it as the dildo.

haha yea. I get more questions about that from people than the fact its right hand drive. I love the thing, its bad ass.