Post Your Import

Daily Driver

you hatch looks great…so so clean…

think i saw the brownish hatch chillin at a couple places on Rt51 for what seemed to be weeks…there’s a Meineke next to a Sherwin Williams next to a Jeep/Chrysler or whatnot, and then i think it was at NTB for a few days down the road a bit more…no?(different person or not?)

bad picture^w/light in background owell


^^ thats a nice roll racing machine :kekegay:

Figured I’d post up another picture of my “Great White”, newest mod: Chrome LED gills

The gills blink Amber with the turn signals so I don’t have any issues with the Law
What do you guys think, I don’t think they’re too ricey? :bigthumb:

the blue side vent is a little ricey… Ive seen your car before on 19 I believe.

very nice ride,but why’s ur race wheels on the back?

other way around. i usually have all 4 14" steelies on. and the 15" rim in the front for the track. but the 2 steelies that were on the front are now bald. So the 15’s are on front now all the time. This is all due to my lack of funds you see, i cant afford 2 more 15" rims or 2 more 14" tires.

black integra…thats a nice lookin car u got

come down the shop and get a razor blade, remember down the street not across the road

Yeah, but I just had to put them in since they’re pretty unique, I plan to match them with some blue underbody LEDs, but that’s it for the ricey stuff.
I live right off 19, so it was probably me.


updated pic of my import

still nothin special…

if you look at the pittspeed rules underbody = ban 4 life.

i like it :bigthumb:

Looks nice, what color is your car?

matte black. its the $20 temporary paint job. farm and tractor paint actually haha

I feel ya its all about the spray can…looks good

thanks! it was actually sprayed by my buddy with a sata jet gun. that farm and tractor paint was so thick tho we had to reduce it almost 1:1 to get it to spray