Haha, the seller kept his pedals. He went to a 29er hardtail which is why he sold this. I considered that a good sign for the condition of this bike (obviously I inspected it closely as well). I figure if you’re happy on a 29er hardtail you weren’t too into hardcore shit. Anyway, he brought he platform pedals of his wife’s bike for me to test ride it but obviously had to take those back. I have some okay pedals on my old mountain bike (15+ year old Trek 970, but the pedals are much newer) but I’ll probably just pickup some new pedals/shoes today.
Three drawer cabinet with worktop. Pretty decent construction for a Lowe’s cabinet. And a bin rack. It’s a little fancy for a shop but price was good from Sam’s. Didn’t realize just how many bags/boxes of screws & hardware I accumulated over the last 10 years.