post your latest purchase

You’re a pretty big dude. There’s legroom in there for you?

IDK man, they don’t get much better gas than an xA…

Actually its pretty roomy, and yet again im not joking. Go take a look at them at the benz dealership.

and we’ll still be the ones laughing when you drive by… Whether gas is $4, $5, $6…


he bought the cabrio

weird sense of humor… i would think the grossly homosexual automobile would be the joke :slight_smile:

just kidding man… i understand it was bought for function. and it’s really above the benzo dealer :kekegay:

you shoulda kept going down the street one more block :stuck_out_tongue:


Just picked up an R/C plane. This is the 3rd plane I’ve had. The first two were trainer styles. I decided to go with something 6 channel, airframe construction, and float ready.

68" Wingspan weighting in at a wopping 5.5 lbs!

I am now awaiting the “does anyone have a boat” thread. My plane is in a lake somewhere.

now that Ive never thought of…Ive crashed mine about 15 times got tired of fixin it…maybe if your gonna be doin it ill put mine back together again

i just got those a couple months ago. they’re pretty good for not having a subwoofer. can’t beat bose quality

just got the pro version should be here any day now

nice buy tony & Jeff

Fifth pair of these, wanted something different without being obnoxiously stand out colors. Sure most of you will notice the car love shown

iPhone 3G

you do know that the 3G stands for 3 times as gay, no?

i’m kicking around the idea of getting my own too. where did you get yours?