Post your PC system

Asus A7N8X - Deluxe mobo
AMD Athlon 2600+xp (clocked at 2.5)
2GigB Dual Channel 400mHz DDR Kingston Ram
Leadtek A400 Geforce 6800 128mgB

Ati Win Tv pro

WD 120 gb Hd X2
WD 80 gb Hd

sony 810A dual layer dvd burner

Thermal take Aqua 2 liquid cooling system

Clear acrylic case

Enermax 600W psu.

Cambridge soundworks 2200 analog 5.1 surround
Nec 15" Lcd monitor

Wireless networking
Microsoft wireless desktop (keyboard / mouse Ergo format)

nothing special but it plays games ubber nice.

AMD Barton 2500+ OC’d to 3200+
Asus A7N-X Nforce2 MB
768Mb DDR400
Ati X700 256Mb vivo
1x 120Gb Seagate
1x 40Gb Seagate
SB Live
Lite-On burner
Enermax 400Watt PSU
G15 Gaming Keyboard
17" LCD

AMD Thunderbird 1400 oc’d to 1533MHz
Abit KT133 w/Raid
512mb pc 133 SDRam
Adaptec 2940UW
NVidia FX5200 128Mb dual head w/tv out
Hauppage PVR150
LG DL DVD Burner
SB Live 5.1
3x 120Gb Seagate
1x 200Gb Seagate
1x 9Gb SCSI
15" LCD

Intel Mobil P4 2.2 GHz
768Mb Ram
Widescreen LCD
40Gb 5200RPM
CD Burner/DVD Rom
40Gb secondary HD

Intel Celeron Mobil 1.7GHz
386Mb Ram
14" LCD
20Gb drive


Pentum D 2.8Gig
1Gig 3700 DDR
250 Gig WD HD
Ati Radion 3200 se or something like that.
soon to add a Firepod audio interface
22" crt ummm ya somehting like that

This is what I’m using atm at work :slight_smile:

Recently got some new goodies:

Opteron Dual Core 165 @ 2.5ghz, 1mb cache per core
2gb OCZ Platinum PC3200
eVGA 7900 GTX 512mb
Gateway 21" Widescreen LCD


I will post pics of my water cooled system sometime tonight along with my server. Some of you people have some very nice setups.

compaq R4000 Laptop

AMD Athlon 64 3500 2.2 ghz
128mb ati video card
1 gig of ram
100gig HD
15.4 inch widescreen

I want to get a Dell 20" LCD monitor. But i really should save my money.

amd xp 2500+
msi k7n2 delta 2 mobo
512 ddr ram
80 gig 7200 rpm hd
geforce 4 ti 4800se 128mb video card
19" LG flatscreen
logitech mx300 with func pad

Saddest part is, so much money spent on computers and yet the cars are total wood :stuck_out_tongue:

Saddest part is, so much money spent on computers and yet the cars are total wood :p[/quote]Its cheaper and easier to make a PC go fast.

I’m fragging bitches left and right, while listening to Darude - Sandstorm. :coold:

lol it was something I threw together over time, I didn’t go all out and spend huge money. Most of the things were small parts that I asked for on various occasions like birthday and christmas that kinda thing.

i will get those pics up soon tho, I fell asleep last night.

ive got a laptop that belongs to a university i dont go to anymore

i should probabl return it but then how would i tune my car?

^hahahaha yeah i think that has been written off by now. Tuning the car is pretty important too. I say keep it hah

I own you all:

AMD AthlonXP 1700+ (AGOIA Core baby)
160GB WD
22" Flat Screen


If you posted this two years ago I would have rememberd what I built…

So I’ll just take a pic and post it:

32" HD DVI Monitor
AMD 3200 something…
SCSI RAID w/ 2x 1000rpm 100gig Segate Cheetahs
Some Pioneer Dual Layer DVD Burner etc.

Ooo… I recognize that case. It’s a Lian-Li, very sexy case in person.


Antec Sonata II >*