Pot hole victim

my ex worked for the army corp of engineers and she said alot of the bridges in pgh could fall down anytime cause they weren’t designed to handle the laod of todays traffic. Do i believe that ? No, they would be closed if that was the case. The 31st bridge is the biggest piece of shit ever thou.

every time im on the river I hope I find a dead body. That would be cool.

225/50/15 is low pro compared to 215/65/15 on my hurst and the 235/60/15s on my SS

With how many updates PennDOT puts out with their software for fixes I wouldn’t be surprised if something collapsed. When I first started here there was 6 updates in a row in under 2 weeks to their retaining wall stress analysis program. Someone wasnt payin attention or something that week.

I went to school with dick skrinjar’s son, we used to give him shit all the time about pot holes

low pro compared to truck tires.

well they look low pro, i’m used to thick sidewalls with white letters