POW has head cut off by Iraqi's.


eh… pretty much the same thing in my book. Although one does not necessarily dictate the other is true. I had a shrink one time that was an atheistic jew. It was kinda funny, we always ended up talking religion for the whole hour and never talking about what we were supposed to be talking about.

The whole story about the tower of babble being built. God made us speak differnent langueges so we would seperate, forget most of it though. but its something like that. Why do that unless we wern’t supose to get along.

how long did the USSR last? how bout china’s dictatorship? wake up man and read that book you will like it. you have to beable to read old english though.

I have FAITH in what the bible says period point blank. just because it doesn’t seem attanable by todays standards doesn’t mean it never happened. If you don’t like my veiw fine. I don’t critize you for yours so don’t ask me to explain my faith. if you want to ask me things about my faith that is fine but don’t question me.

by the way the quote I put in a few pages ago was from Stalin. He took people at night. no public knowledge, these people just disappeared. that is why his dictatorship worked

totalitarian governments are flawed from the get go. Humankind is born with free will and free thought. Totalitarian governments stifle this. No one likes being told to do, and certainly no one likes being ruled by force. By nature, it takes a mentally fucked up person to rule like this. And eventually people will get sick of it and rebell. This is how its been throughout society since its beginnings. Democracy and self rule is actually a fairly new concept in the whole scope of things.

this thread is so convoluted with ideas and beliefs it’s ridiculous… but what is sickening is that someone’s convoluted ideal based a society on killing others that are not the same. you tell me whats more fucked up… downloading that video and watching an american die… or to honestly believe that your religion is correct in asking you to kill people.

last i checked my “religion” didn’t ask me to kill anyone, besides this is getting into rule #2 of internet forums “never discuss religion”

we went from a pow to war tactics to evolution (which by the way is a whole nother story, people dig up a bone here a bone there put them together and say:“damn that must be right” and how u know those “tiny people with tiny brains” aren’t just some (quoting you from earlier in the thread) natural born defects we see all the time as a human race, u think EVERY person that lived before “america” was born a perfect upright walking, talking, non-defect human? if you believe that then telling me i can’t belive in a man, a power, and a book is just down right hypocratical.

i’m with boosted on this one, you attack our beliefs with comments such as “now i know why i dont’ go to church” “you belive that??? hahahhahahaa” putting quotes in your sig about it, yet for some reason i dont’ remember either of us saying anything like that about what you “belive in” we just said that yes, there is OTHER hystorical documentation outside of the bible (dead sea scrolls for one) that chronicals this.

now for the last of my “belief oriented posting” i could care less what you think but don’t call us asses for what we do. you’re afraid of what you dont’ understand because you need scientific proof (which btw was developed by humans themselves, and as we all know nobodys perfect…go ahead and argue that point) the fact is you turned this into a religious debate because of the book we said to outline history in the middle east, if he would have said “dead sea scrolls” (which have the same information btw) then no one would have cared. i know what i belive in it’s not my job to push anything so i would apreciate it if you don’t call me an ass for it.

/done with my rant it’s ironic that for once i share the same feelings with sam.

why not?

we have gangs in this country of thugs, theives, and terrorists in our cities that kill one another to prove points and what not. take a look at ANY of them: mafia, latin kings, chinese, etc etc.

again the basics here: businessman going against the local rules of business got killed for being in the wrong place. happens every day in our soil.

right… because you aren’t a member of al-queda :doh: :doh:

that happens a lot in pittsburgh

i have yet to see evidence of a global flood that dissappeard as fast as it came

i havent yet found out how scientist recreated a man and women from dirt and a spare rib

i could go on but why bother…

please explain where all the water went (an no it didnt freeze to the ice caps)

evaporation - sheesh, everyone knows that. :D:D:D

I stopped reading at about page 11 so forgive me if this was already posted.

I personally think the video should be on the 5 oclock news. I also thing all these hippy mother fuckers crying about a few stacked naked guys should be made to watch this. Maybe then they would wake the fuck up.

Do I think it was right what they did to Humiliate those guys, no but at the same time I personally really don;t give two fucks especially if these asshole were in prison for some reason anyways.

I really tired of the human rights orginizations getting upset over stupid shit yet when the beheading happends it gets a back page run, and it will be forgot about in a week. I personally think because of this assbackwards views on what is important and what isn;t and should be forgoten about ASAP, well that is shooting ourselves in the foot.

War sucks it really does, and when war happends that mean political means and being civil usually failed. In my opinion that should be signal for the gloves to come off. Especially when this isn’t your typical war. Yes I understand we have to play by the rules of the geneva convention but christ there should be a default clause in there saying if the other group doesn;t play war fare they can’t hide behind the geneva agreement (Talk about ironic, rules for war)

God pulled out his crazy straw and drank it :finger:

wait, so im afraid of what I dont know because I seek out the answers in life by trusting in science? lol, if you say so bud. This was all started because I called into question the historical accuracy of the Bible. I said nothing on the grounds of its religious content. And I put Sam’s quote in my sig because of the way he worded his sentence, not because im mocking his religious beliefs.


and yet you mock those who seek answers not in science :rolleyes:

I dont believe I mocked anyone in this thread because of their religion. I respect peoples beliefs wether or not i agree with them.

i don’t remember mocking… just someone said the bible is historical fact. :nono:

I had 3 cheeseburgers for lunch today…