Well, I’ve read through a couple of old posts and found some suggestions on who to possibly contact for powdercoating.
However, now I need some advice on what color to powdercoat my RCs. They’re my 17" fall/winter wheels.

The pics are dark, but that’s what my car looks like and those are the 17s on it. All the other pics I have are my 18s on :(.
My initial thoughts are black chrome, original silver, or some sort of slightly darker silver. Oh yeah, I can’t p-shop, but I’d appreciate anyone who can/will and includes pics as well of what it could look like.

Brighter shot w/the 18s on. Same wheel though… so it still kind of applies? Please shoot out some ideas. I’d really appreciate it.
Also, powdercoaters to consider… AMF, Durable… anyone else? I’m trying to do this on a tight budget - after all, they are winter wheels.
If you have AMF do the black chrome, it doesn’t look like that photo. Check out tegSimple’s thread…he just had his done in that color…looks like gunmetal. IIRC whitey had is piping done in the same color. AMF does killer work, and for great prices. Just know that powdercoating/paint will never look like real plating.
I vote for gold or bronze
IIRC real black chrome is a multi-stage process that can’t be duplicated by powdercoating? I don’t know for sure though.
I thought I found a black chrome powdercoat, but I could be wrong. My initial thought was BC b/c of the fact that my car has the chrome on the rubstrips. I was thinking about getting “chrome” powdercoat for my 18s :). It’s just a really shiny finish, not actual chrome - so it would probably be more durable and cheaper. I just can’t decide on this one. Gold may look good, but I’m not sure. I like Suubs w/gold wheels, but my blue is a little different and a little more flakey, so I’m not sure how it’d look? My car kind of almost changes colors in different lights. From brighter blue to almost a purpley blue.
You are correct, AMP has a color called black chrome. It is the exact color Jeff got on his wheels. It looks great but it doesn’t look like black chrome. As Jason @ AMF to see the color samples that he has, you’ll see what I mean.
Trevor maybe check out Durable Powdercoat phone is 724 733 5198 they’re in Export.
They are currently doing my intake manifold I will see monday how it turned out, good pricing
Anyone know how much it’d cost to get tires unmounted/unbalanced to get my wheels powdercoated? I really need to get it done now b/c one of my 18" tires is on threads 
I have messed around with black chrome on some engine pieces and it sure looks like gunmetal to me.
I think NTB charged me like 20 to get my tires switched…
Or you can call Jay @ Domination since he just got a tire machine.
Well… needless to say my one 18" tire is showing threads. I need to get my 17s taken care of like now. Anyone else w/input?
If you want to see the black chrome that AMF does, let me know and we can meet up some day. I’m extremely happy with the finished product that Jason did. However, as most people have mentioned, to get real black chrome, you need to have it plated.
Price for me was $160 for 4 15" wheels. I’m guessing 17’s would probably be ~$200. Pretty much any color you can think of Jason can do.
As far as unmounting the tires are concerned, I believe I was charged $16 (includes tax) from NTB.
Hm… I really do need to decide on the wheels.