Powdercoating starter setup

Have this older General Electric 220v oven and an HF Chicago Electric Powder Coating system. Works well, burners on rangetop not working, hence using this oven for powdercoating. Upgraded so letting this starter setup go cheap. No trades. Price firm.


ugh i want this…need more room!

I’ll include a free tarp for temporary outdoor storage while you clear a spot to put it. :wink:

@rugsr he’ll also deliver it for free… Oh wait, once his ford isn’t broken

I preferred the Eastwood to the CH gun, I’ve owned and used both.

Need to step up your game. Buy real gun, read forums, build huge oven out of metal studs and HVAC sheet metal, make everyone get their parts blasted/prepped by Jesse @ BlastoffNY, do good work, Profit.

I’m almost done with my 3’x5’x5’ oven build, ran low on funds for it. Kyle had the spectracoat gun but he’s packed up and prepping for a move out west…we have the eastwood dual voltage now, plan was to turn out enough work to take profit and upgrade to an even better gun setup. We have our own blasting setup for small-ish stuff, and Checko works somewhat close to Southtowns sandblasting so frames and wheels and whatnot we have prepped there for cheap cash prices.

How many broiler elements? Solid state or contractors? PID control or manual? Mineral Wool or Fiberglass? McMaster makes some nice tadpole shaped door seal that we used that really helped. We did 4 3000 watt broiler elements, solid state relays and a PID, mineral wool and a PID. 6’6" tall 5’ wide and 3’ deep inside of the oven. Small enclosure on the side with a fan helps keep the relays nice and cool. Use a metal stud or something to duct air to create a convection flow and get a small high temp fan to circulate air and toy with placement of your PID temp sensor if you use one and use an IR temp gun often. It’s a fun hobby.

repurposed a college labratory fridge and bought a 220 double oven for the elements and controls. 4 elements wired to one set of controls and temp probes all from the ovens. lined the interior of the fridge with concrete board with a 1" air gap between the cabinet and board and fire-calked all the joints. BBQ gasket applied to the double doors for a perfect seal. Need to line it with sheetmetal now as the concrete board can take on moisture and then we lose all the heat production to burning out the moisture and that makes it take FOREVER to get to a usable temp. A small convection fan is def in the plans as well. really wanted to build it so we could do our own motorcycle frames and wheels.


bump for the intro to PC kit. can’t go wrong for $75…I’ve seen two used guns alone for $50 and ovens of this size seem to go for $50 minimum. can deliver depending on distance and weather.

I’ve had one guy telling me for weeks “yeah I will come XXX day for it” and then not show, apologize, and arrange a new day/time, repeat…I’ve had a separate person say “I’ll take it, call me tomorrow when you’re at your shop and I’ll come right down” who also did not follow through.