Power problem shuts many stores at Ross Park Mall

Ross Park Mall officials say they have closed much of the facility for the rest of the day because of electrical problems.

Police in Ross told KDKA-TV that a transformer fire near the mall knocked out power to the facility for a time this afternoon.

Mall officials say all the major department stores, Macy’s, Sears and J.C. Penney, will be open. They expect to reopen the rest of the mall during regular business hours tomorrow at 10 a.m.

totally fucked up my lunch break… buy some pants at penny’s and go to get a card for the girl and some fat lady is running…um briskly moving. “Oh my God…evacuate the mall”

did she have a piece of meat around her neck and one of the dogs was chasing her?

i wanna say she had a Blimpie cup in her hand