I am rocking no ps to start this yer. I fully intend on going electric after a few drives.
A manual rack isn’t the same as a PS rack with no fluid. I don’t think it would be that bad, I fully approve. They feel soooo much better.
Considering you are in Houston, I get keeping the AC. And seriously, just add another bolt on already.
I would have said ditch the power steering, but seems like there is oh so much more wisdom in this thread :gotme:
Glad you understand.
Keep the power steering. Ditch the a/c.
Get the fuck out of this thread with your actual knowledge.
Who doesn’t know that?
So your primary use for this car will be going to the mall and grocery store? In that case power steering is going to be super important since you’re mostly worried about parking the car.
On a 315 too. Hot damn will that be a whore to park.
Keep it AWD
Ok so I decided to go with the AWD, minus the A/C and I’m running dual power steering pumps so I can park with my wiener.
I had 195s up front on my datsun with manual steering. It was kind of a bitch to park but not a big deal. with 315s… well, atleast you’ll end up having massive forearms.
i drive manual steering. I love it, i have 215s in the front 295s in the rear. 3000lbs. I have no issues with it, I actually use a smaller than stock steering wheel aswell. You do notice it tho in parkinglots and when you need to bust a u turn.
If you are keeping the ac, there is no reason not to have powersteering. If you build a mans vehicle, no power steering, no heat, no ac no radio ect. is the only option.
Exactly half of the people on this thread
i had no power steering and loved it, hell, the car came from the factory with a manual rack. but it was in a 2200 lb honda civic…
over half are comparing the setup to a go cart
Both possibilities. But most have at least shared some form of experience lol
i ran ps gearbox with lines looped for a year in my truck. it sucked parking but not bad at all when driving. im now running a manual gearbox, not bad at all. been running manual steering for 4 years and i have zero intentions of ever going back. im running 245’s up front. the '47 im building will be manual as well.
I posted a list what cars Ive driven without PS, and how it was. and it got deleted. sweet
Lame Can you PM me? Thanks man!