To have power steering or not to have power steering?
I’m getting to the point were I need to decide if I want power steering in the C5.
The car will only be a fun weekend driver for me to drive. This is not a girlie woman’s car, it is a man’s car. I’m almost 90% sure I’m going manual only, but would like to hear what ya’ll have to say.
The car will have AC but I don’t really want or need PS.
What do you guys think? Will be used for Road racing, track days, and racing on zee highway.
So no power steering on 245’s out front? Keeping AC but no power steering? WHY? why do that to yourself? put another bolt on on and make that fraction of a HP back.
Dude its 100 out already, I’m keeping the A/C. I’ll be using 315’s up front, this is why I’m asking for advice, I have no experience trying to drive a car without power steering. If you have let me know how it is! Well beside my Silverado when the p/s went out and it wasn’t bad at all.
I’m not doing it to gain power, I’m doing it to keep the engine bay cleaner and simpler. I have all the crap for it and will keep all that crap if I don’t like it.
Plus the GM power steering design is about 100 years old and even with upgraded fluid I still boil it during track events. I don’t want to add another cooler to it.
If I do end up needing it, I’ll probably try to use one of the new Ford Mustang’s electric ps units.
315’s up front?!?!? Keep the power steering if this is going to be anything but a track-only car.
My Dad’s street rod is manual steering with 235 or 245s on it, and maneuvering it around at slow speeds is eh at best; and that only weighs like 2000#s. Once it’s moving it’s ok, but still.
LOL my old civic with 185’s or some such bicycle tire was a bitch to maneuver without PS. I could not imagine 315s. I’f you want to clean up the bay chrome it or something. Removing it for the sake of cleanliness is a bit to much. Besides the alternator is much more ugly in the engine bay lol
Yah I’m just about to drop the engine back in and the power steering has that HUGE bracket and tank, plus all the lines. Ugh its nasty, plus last time I had the car at the track in GA with Red Line fluid it boiled over after about 6-7 hot laps. So when she goes back together I’ll have to add an addition power steering cooler up front to keep the damn thing working. I didn’t want to do all that lol.
There will be no chrome under the hood lol. By clean I mean black and simple. No extra’s just what you need yah know?
slow speeds with thouse tires if gona suck. haha 315s, your probably gona break the stock steering wheel. Go take the belt off and see what you think. You truck a lot different ratio, and tires.
The rack is a bitch to work on, how it blocks the balancer bolt, but I think even a manual rack is still gona be there, remeber. The pump isn’t in a bad spot, that one line on the bottem sucks, but its not like you have the heads off your car all the time?
Call maddan I can’t think of anyone making a manual rack for a c5. I know Nick at newera, and the trackmaster customers all went to that turn one upgrade to the stock rack, and said they really like that. I dont know what that dose, maybe a linear ratio? I think the stock in progressive, but what don’t you like with the stock PS?
LoL I usually leave my browser up. I’ll let you guys know how it goes. I can get a sweet deal on a manual rack so I might just buy it. I can always swap my power stuff back on, plus I’d like to do something fun with it anyways.
I had manual steering in my integra and my talon , talon had 255s up front . it makes it A LOT better for turning, but it’s a pain in the ass to do manuvers (sp. i suck) in a parking lot or something.
Plus when you’re going fast with power steering and negative camber, your tires tend to jerk if there are any sort of grooves in the road, manual cuts down on that.
Ill tell you what is hell, manual steering on an AWD car with a welded rear diff lol