Power steering pump rebuild?

Who does it?

Where are they located?

How much did it run you (that means cost)?

Was it properly done?

Was it promptly done?

I know its hard but please only post if you can answer a minimum of 4 of the above questions.

Moons local. Not for.german applications. Most places I called online were strictly domestics as well. Get new from gap.

You do.
Buy a rebuild kit.
Use basic hand tools.

I have a tdi pump sittin here… Same as vr6?

Thanks jclark and pete… Jvg you fail

I went through this with the 90’s ps pump i was trying to save you time looking around for rebuild place as noone deals with the german stuff. Go fix your burnt paint.

Drink a gal of muscle milk prior to driving.
Get ripped.
Turn steering wheel.