power steering?????

i took off my hicas line and cancelled them i was wondering where the hell i add power steering fuild because it all drained out it is really anyoing trying to turn this thing thanks

Theres a resivoir under your passenger seat.

under the car?or pull up the carpet?

and what kind of fluid do i need

power steering reservoir?

yeah all my fluid ran out when i canncled the hicas


under the car right, lol?

The power steering reservoir is a small, round, black bottle on the driver’s side. The cap should have a picture of a steering wheel on it IIRC, or say Power Steering Fluid only.

good luck.

Trevor, you are a complete douchebag!

open the hood

find the powersteering resivoir.
^^ (black bottle near drivers side strut tower)

fill it till its about half way full with fluid
^^ (fluid found at canadian tire…its called “power steering fluid” pretty much every body makes it)

leave the cap off and start the car. turn the wheel from lock to lock a few times to help bleed out the air.
^^ ( you can usually tell most of the air is out as the “whining” noise will dissappear)

Top the fluid back up to the appropriate level as determined by the dip-stick

Hey man, before you fill it up again, did you cap off the lines that went to the rear steering? If they still leak, you will be wasting you money untill you have done that.

If the lines at the rear are sealed off, then yeah, the power steering reservoir is a steel can on the drivers side strut tower at the front part of it. the lid is black and should have 4 little notches in it, check it out, there is a dipstick under the lid, fill it to the level shown on the stick and follow what the dude above me said with the wheel turning.

Good luck and do it soon so you don’t wreck the ps pump.


240s are designed to use Automatic Transmission Fluid, not power steering fluid.

Im sorry but I had to, I mean did a thread REALLY need to be created for this guy to figure out where the resivoir is?? Pop your hood and take a look, there are 5 or 6 places to put fluid, most of which are clearly marked as to what they contain. By the process of elimination and even comparing the colour of fluid your filling it with, one resivoir will remain. Whalaaa.

Of course you could also always open up your owners manual, or FSM or even do a quick search.

My point being that if everyone made a new thread for every little question they had, this place would be useless, cluttered and no ones questions would get answered.

Moral: Search.

Good day.

simple questions, need simple answers…why is there 2 pages to this thread?