Power Surge in Buffalo?

LOL. Funny but true. Double online conversion UPS or go home.
People bawk at the cost of UPS but fail to realize it’s a small fraction of their total investment. Cheap insurance to keep things running and getting clean power.

Meh, so far just an old 10/100 switch and an old Dell needed replacing. The problem is the main building is over 100 years old and really wasn’t made for electricity let alone networking.


Servers and switches are behind UPSs.

Then why were the servers and switches down for an hour?

Sorry, what I meant was, they were off and it took us a while to get all of them back up and running. The UPS is our main server room is over the limit…We’re correcting that issue by moving servers to the new building and implimenting Hyper V soon.

bin Ladens compound had a better network than you.

Hyper V - mmmm yummy

Make sure you have your ram ready. That shit gobbles and gags on memory.

Sounds like the girl I met last weekend :rimshot:

Pssh not a problem. We just got a new SAN in for backups, 47 TB of storage.

uhhhh, SAN storage != RAM

How are we still talking about this? My lights flickered?

Betta get dat dere bigger UPS quick. :wink:
We have a massive dual compressor Liebert cooling unit. Probably $60k worth. I think we’re undersized…time will tell when it finally warms up around here. One compressor won’t cut it so how they bought this thinking it would be “redundant” is weetoddit! LOL

Well aware. It was off topic. We have a few servers around 32GB of ram.

Our new building is supported by a massive APC Unit that can handle pretty much whatever we toss on it.

Back on topic. Here’s footage of the problem.


Figured I would skip starting a new thread. Lights just flashed in my office and the surge protector went nuts. I’m in Amherst. Anyone else get it?


I can’t say as I noticed anything at all. I’m in Amherst as well

Could have been REALLY local then I guess. It seemed more intense than the last one though. Instead of the protector just clicking and the lights dimming for a sec the thing beeped like an SOB and the lights flickered. Oh well.

Anyone care to explain what is going on in Fry’s gif. I mean clearly something went wrong and it looks like people got electrocuted or knocked off their feet, but what was going on.