power usage

About how much electricity does a home computer use if it’s left on 24/7?

Not a lot.

Turn off HD after 20 minutes, trust me, you’ll love me later.

I still have 2 12.5GB IBM Deskstars (7200 RPM!!) from 1999 that have yet to die, they have been on for like 24/7 pretty much since I first built my computer.

i dont think he cares about it dieing… he wants to run it 24/7 and wants to know how much his powa bill is going to go up…

2GB Segate SCSI drive from 1995 still running in my server to this day. Only one cluster error that occured in 2001. Yay for fluid bearings :slight_smile:

On average I think I figured the cost to be $15-25 a month assuming a constant draw around 200W

I always wondered this myself… but dont know for sure. Since I’ve been leaving my computer on my bill has went up maybe 10.00 a month… but half of the time I forget to shut the monitor off (big old CAD crt… generates ALOT of heat) so I attribute that to some of it

:gotme: The only time my computer is off is when there is a power outage.

I don’t have the patience to sit through start-up everyday.:biglaugh:


Your looking at, on average, around $100/year if left on 24/7.
