ppl with HKS actuators...I need your help!

Anyone here running an adjustable HKS actuator on their sr’s?
If so, I need the measurement from the begining of the threads on the rod to the begining of the locking nut…and specify what boost your running aswell.
Also, do these units come set at a minimum of say 10psi or can they go down to 7psi like stock?


are you talking about the ssqv? because your not supposed to mess with that bolt. The ssqv is not like normal blow off valves the valving is very very different.

He is talking about a actuator not a blowoff valve. ^^^

Mine is set at 12 psi and drops to 10 at higer rpm, i can give you the measurment for that if you want.

You can run it lower than 10, but it will fluctuate all over and will not stay constant.

It is designed to be run at 10+ psi.

Strange… I’ve got mine holding perfect @ 9psi… anything lese and the flapper/gate doesnt have enough tension on it and there for its always open so you get 0 boost.

And mine doesnt fluctuate at all…

Hey Jedi, did you notice any difference with the HKS actuator? Like did it spike less etc?

Didnt notice a difference…

Mind you I went from the SR T25 with stock actuator to a GTiR T28 with adjustable actuator. At the same time I had to cut and modify the actuator bracket so that it lined up with the gate flapper properly etc… so maybe the bracket position or the way the bracket holds the actuator “may” play part in how it works over all ? ? ?

But I’ve never had any spiking issues with my setup period…

Awesome, i hate spiking. Btw how do you like your t28 compared to your t25?

I had some issues with my boost on my GT2871 and went to an HKS actuator, its rock solid now. Mind you I run 14-16psi. Great actuator, wouldn’t run boost without it.

I love it… the gtir t28 is the biggest turbo nissan used on any of their factory engines “even bigger then th S15 t28” Its just not BB which is fine by me cause if or when it blows, I’ll have it rebuilt for $450.

Then theres the fact that the turbo dont spool right off the line like the t25 so I have noticed an increase in fuel milage since the turbo isnt boosting under 3000rpm.

With my T25 I saw 7psi @ 2700rpm or 12psi @ 3100rpm. With the T28 now I see 9psi @ 3400rpm and actually have power up until the redline.

Nice thread. I just scored a pair of HKS actuators for my Garrett 2860s. That stock junk is so wack. I have to do a total retune @ 16-17psi with larger injectors/pump and Power FC, so its good these will elimante any gremlins like I have now with boost.

Andre, when you get a chance if you can measure that for me that would be great.
Im using this actuator right now and its awesome, I just need that measurement because im trying to diagnose a possible boost leak that I can’t seem to find. If anyone else is using this actuator and your around 10-12 psi pleeeaaaaase give me a measurement!

Also, anyone with a safc what airflow percentage are you seeing at 12psi using a stock MAF and stock T25.


Thats basically the same thing on a t25, 9 and 10 psi is close enough.

If you run it at 7 psi which is stock it will not work properly since it it designed for 10 psi +

I have the actuator with a t25 turbo and mid-throttle position, it’ll hold at 7 psi and when I put the pedal to the metal, it’ll slowly climb to 9-10 psi but never hitting 12…I shortened the arm so much that my boost gauge reads vacuum even when the car is off

You should be able to easily hit 12psi+ with this actuator. Maybe you have a boost leak?