HKS actuator

Alright, this isnt so much a problem as Im just looking for some input. Im using an HKS actuator (stock t25 turbo), and the part that screws onto the end and wastegates air has fallen off. (Forgot to put on the c-clip when installing. :oops: ) The result is the actuator isnt attached to anything.
If its not attached, you would think it would just give unlimited boost, but it still tops out at about 7psi.

The only possible explanation I can think of is that the turbo has seen better days and cannot build more than about 7psi of boost. It only approaches 7psi when its near redline. Any ideas?

The next question is, any ideas where I might find a replacement part? That specific piece doesnt have a part number, so no one can order it from HKS. Ive tried places like Cisco, but no luck. Im going to contact HKS directly, but so far I havent been able to get through to them.

When I pull off the vaccum hose that connects throttle vaccuum to the actuator, the boost goes up to 20lbs of boost. Im not sure why yours will not. Maybe the HKS actuator has a safety function.

That cant be it, since the actuator is literally not connected to anything at the moment.

If it isnt connected then the wastegate will be free to open under boost.

The actuator mearly holds it shut until the desired boost level.

Therefore your wastegate is always open.

i hate the little cotter pin or w/e it is that holds the wastegate tab on, its such a bitch or get in and out with the motor in the car

No its not, its only hard to get out when the motor is hot cause you burn
yourself on the turbo.

Other than that its easy to get out.

Ahhhh… I should have thought of that… and that would also explain why its so reluctant to boost. 8)

Wow, yea that was it. I switched back to the stock actuator and its like night and day. SO much more power, and it actually boosts now before 7000rpm. :lol:

does tightening the actuator = more boost or less

and now much does 1 turn = in boost increase

No, Im back using the stock actuator

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I just bought one and mine can’t screw more than like 5-6 psi…? the thing the actuator clings on to won’t go further so I can’t tighten it…

any help?


You have to pull the actuator arm out of the wastegate a little bit to get it to fit. Although upto 7psi is suppose to just slide right on, its when u start going past 7psi, that your suppose to have to pull the rod a bit to get it onto the actuator arm on turbo. Your custom bracket might have something to do with it, might be pushing the actuator a bit to far away, limiting the ability to use the adjustments in the wastegate.

lol that’s not my turbo, it’s just a reference pic. My mount came with the HKS but it’s the same size as stock. I guess I didn’t pull hard enough… but doesn’t seem like it wants to come out :\ twss

quote from somewhere else:
"i have the hks number in my cell , that statement isnt true i called them on friday and talked to them about a hks actuator , cuz i asked the same questions ,

you need to screw it down and force the shit out of it to reach the turbo ,

you cant do it while its on the turbo because the part of the rod you need to turn would be attached to the turbo , you can unhook it from the turbo tho and leave the bracket on still , adj and put it back , you can run up to 14lbs on it ,

the best is at 11 to 12 on a hks actuator with a t25 , said by quote from a guy at hks"

I didn’t know you could force the rod out lol.

Yea i m running 10psi. I had to yank on it with pliers placed behind the nut.

yep i had to force pull it out and i barely got 10 psi out of it
cus im jacked