Praise the Lord: Preacher rebuffs Senate spending inquiry

Thank GOD! FINALLY! I have been waiting years for this.

I hope the people in power have the sense to pursue this issue to ITS FULLEST… and stop these “Leaches of Society

Go IRS! WoooHooo

Good, greedy fucks!!

Holy crap. I actually agree with Violator. (Don’t get me wrong dude. I have a lot of respect for you for putting intelligent thought into things, I just rarely share your views.)

All six organizations preach a form of the “prosperity gospel,” the belief that God wants his faithful followers to reap material rewards.

Plus the main priest’s last name is “Dollar.”


Holy crap. I actually agree with Violator. (Don’t get me wrong dude. I have a lot of respect for you for putting intelligent thought into things, I just rarely share your views.)


No Sweat. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. Different points of view and independent thought make things interesting. Im glad to see people thinking on their own instead of following like sheep.


No Sweat. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. Different points of view and independent thought make things interesting. Im glad to see people thinking on their own instead of following like sheep.


lol next round’s on me. :tup:

about time somebody had the balls to call them out on this scam.


Though it’s always been a dream of mine to start “The Church of Jay” and somehow become tax exempt. :slight_smile: