Pre-Bench race 2010

Yes, I remember the car. He had a buddy with a black one as well.

Sorry I was wrong Super Travis. It wont happen again.



Thatta boy. Digs FTW. Although I suck at dig racing. Roll FTMFW!

I believe so. He had the euro hood scoop on it if I recall? If so, he gave me a ride to Denny’s along w/ Jon Williams and Catalano the first night I was down at the lot (Target when I was 14).

Change sig plz.

cossey, you should race me too

hey what about me

we will race, dont worry lol

he doesnt race hondas making <738whp…


j/k man


I get that a lot.

ok then lets do it

do you even have a car now or r u just gonna buy a ferrari

either way, ill still race ya man, no biggie

I got the car. Reverted it back to stock. It’s sick.

yeah i think it was the TRD scoop. TJ’s supras were always amazing.

nice, what kind

It’s the same car, but sold all of the aftermarket on it exceptfor the exhaust.

Funny last time I asked for a dig with a 300whp integra…you said. you didnt have enough experience to launch from a dig…(Infact im sure someone can prolly bring up that quote from our last thread)…versus a fwd turbo honda…lol. Now its your rear end…even tho there are TONS AND TONS of camaro’s making MORE power than yours going seasons on thier rear ends…I think it all boils down to…you didnt want to loose from a dig to a rusty turbo honda due to lack of driver mod…but thats just my opinion. see ya next year.

wow…who pissed in your cheerios biatch… tisk tisk tisk, stop picking on domestics.

the Ruf right? you have a few cars

i wish we had a chance to do a dig. i did a dig with petes evo. that was a pretty solid run.

Agreed. your car was definately faster than mine I could see you edging up on me when me and smokin where running…But I mean…with both our uber lack of traction…woulda been a fun dig! :thumb pitty we didnt get a chance.