PRE-cooler, v.turbo honda

So, we went to lunch saturday, at Subway

While in line with my cohort I get a call from a friend who wanted to know if I could use an SRT4 front mount setup. Subway kid overhears this while toasting my turkey bacon sub.

I get off the phone and before I can resume converastion with my friend who is in line in front of me, the subway kid starts in with “car talk”.

So, you got a SRT4?
Oh, why you buying a innercooler anyways? Get a precooler, alot better.
Precooler man, all the turbo honda guys round here run em.
Yea dude, run that shit at the end of your CAI, cools the air so it don’t heat up the turbo.
You mean before the turbo?
Yea, shit, you’re new to this shit huh?
Yea… show me.

We take our togo sandwiches, and head outside to a 95 dx coupe, flat blacked, steelies, more rot then you would find between Jay Wonch’s legs.

Pop the hood and the kid is running a T3 turbo kit that looks like it couldn’t even pass for a $200 kit on eBay. Sure enough, he’s running a DSM side mount at the end of some POS CAI pipe, and has a K&N attached to the inlet of the IC.

And… he has a probe in the CAI pipe.

Whats the probe for?
Its meausres my air temps man, the needle don’t even move since I ran this setup.
Yea, barely gets over 100, never gets anywhere near 1000!
Wat? How high does the gauge go?
1800 man, this shit is a reaaaaal cooler setup.

lol. What subway was this?

Good story, fggt.

what kind of car do you drive?


Pics or ban.

So… you proceeded to try and correct his ass hattery right?

Its always fun arguing with people that do not understand
advanced concepts. :smiley:


union, in the Airport Plaza jewlers plaza.

today? 99 Ranger XLT.

I could never imagine the complexity of a precooler lmao

You know, i hadn’t even thought of it at the time. I was just so baffled.

Had I had my car out to show him, maybe. But I had to get back to installing bathroom fans et al.

Nah, I do that all week on NYSpeed, so I take weekends off.

I like mods that hinder performance. :tup:

I’m actually impressed that he has the thing running despite his ignorance.

What car would said SRT-4 FMIC be for?

I gave him Carnut’s phone number in case he has any issues.


4 cyl mustang

lol the srt4 works great on the honda… just have to mod a full size rad a lil but works good :tup:

did he have a IC after the turbo at all?


:lol: I’ve never even seen Don mad, but now that I’ve met him I get so much more pleasure from thinking of him getting frustrated from working on fucked up cars. It’s just so much easier to picture.

HAHAHAH thats awesome