pre-fab garages

Anyone know of or have a hook up for pre-fab garages?

trying to figure out if it’s feasible to get one or just some sort of enclosed car port.

I know there are always a buttload in the Tri-ad but i dont have one handy at the moment.

any one have a pre-fab? pros or cons?

depends what one you want, they get cold as hell in the winter unless you have a big heater in em and some of them are shitty and flimsy… iv heard of 1 or 2 falling over from the weight of snow… id buy one in a heart beat id just get a big oil heater or somthing of that sort and i wouldent be cheap with one

bing ive got a portable one from ct

and it withstood the winter storm of 07 (100 + winds, unforgiving snow and rain)

never, ever had a problem with it, keeps water out, and get stupid hot in the summer

good bang for buck

i’m looking for a 1.5 car steel garage to put over a concrete base or something of the sort… not those collapsible tent ones.

any reason for not building one from wood/steel 2x4 frame and then skinning it with plywood and siding ?

I built a mini-garage (for tractors) two years ago, ended up costing $600 with the concrete slab

you could even skip the slab and just anchor posts in the ground with the hammer-in 4x4 stakes, just have a simple 4x4 pressure treated frame and 1/2" pt plywood to connect it all… maybe bang up some of those 2" foam boards all around inside

seriously if you aren’t against wood and you know your budget I can help