Pre marital sex.

America is one of the most liberal societies on the planet. Ain’t nothing conservative about the general population in this country.

Why is marriage such a success amongst the majority (not all) of religious people? Different values/morals. Not that shit you call a moral and a value (meaning, “Let me fuck everything that moves while I still can.”) You is a general statement…not necessarily talking about you.

And then people wonder why 5 out of 10 couples divorce. Again, it’s not even about religion, if you weren’t raised to respect the bond that is marriage, you won’t. And if you were told it’s okay to sleep with 100 people before you get married, you’ll find nothing wrong with it. Simple as that.

Generations upon generations of family have kept it in their pants until marriage and made out just fine. By test driving every thing you can, you aren’t really gaining anything. It is in no way shape or form going to lead to a more beneficial life in the long term. It will in no way shape or form guarantee a successful marriage either.