pre tx2k11

and this is the car the kid with the whipple mustang was talking about wanting to beat…

cool vid, some serious rides

Huge sub forum on Supraforums about Texas. Gonna be NUTS this year. Heard 5-0 out in full force.

Camaro is a pos.

agreed. zomg it wheelies but it doesnt fucking go anywhere…whats the point.

huh? he smashed his oil pan in on the fall back down…thats why he stopped and got towed. Car has gone 9.4’s…

well why doesnt he stop doing that? get a wheelie bar.

that was the first and last time it ever went up that high. All the other times its just a foot or two for several feet…not 5ft for a 30 foot ride.

post thsoe videos then lol

its in the first run of that video

shit. Hold on. I thought he rode it out. He quit that run too lol

i was expecting to see a nasty run if there is a heated battle between these guys lol

it hasnt happened yet. Its coming.

the only problem is the stang just got his new setup in, and it hasnt proven itself yet like the camaro has, and he is going after the camaro.

sooo i pretty much love that camaro. that 1500 was pretty baddass too. i love the simple shit/ it looked so sick on those SS truck wheels

yah that camaro is down right nasty. Nasty stance, aggressive as hell looking and has the balls behind it. That car is one in a thousand.

the front of that thing just says “fuck you”