Please stop… I’m a republican so I can only vote for him once…
Spicy and I love it
While I don’t feel bad for protestors…
I do believe the whole genocide thing should be shunned by the world.
in 30 years after WW3, depending on who wins, these will be viewed in a similar shade as Vietnam protests.
I hear we are building a port in Gaza to help import more asylum seekers… I mean provide aid.
do you mean that its not genocide or that it is and should be shunned?
I dont think whats going on is genocide
Yeah, I believe the best way to describe what’s going is Hamas won the Fuck Around Find Out gold medal when they thought it was a good idea to brutally attack, rape, murder and kidnap over 1000 innocent civilians. Are innocent Palestinians being caught up now? I’m sure. When you allow terrorists to use your civilian buildings (even hospitals) as military sites that’s what happens.
I’m all for them killing the shit out of each other. Just wish USA wouldn’t involve themselves.
no idea what’s going on and cannot trust a single source on it enough to take a definitive position. just staying out of it. let me know when the dust settles.
I’m sure the liklihood of these protests being viewed similar to vietnam is non-zero.
The defense contractor lobbyists (who own most of the congressional swamp) find your take hilarious.
A few defense contractor stocks during the Oct 7th Hamas attacks on Israel…
Northrup Grumman:
Lockhead Martin:
General Dynamics:
So yeaaaah… we were definitely getting involved.
When you really put on the tinfoil hat is when you realize several of them were tanking hard from September to early October and THEN Hamas attacked at just the right time on a country we had a 100% chance of jumping in to help…
Oh believe me I know we thrive on war. But let them rip themselves apart first lolz
which set of the missiles are the smart ones? the squigglies or the straights
No opinion or fact checking, just copy and paste from different sources;
" Covering an area of only 8,522 square miles , Israel is smaller than the US state of Massachusetts and only one-fifth the size of the state of Kentucky."
So by iterating the size… you’re saying one nuke and the problem goes away?
From scattered reports, Israel DNGAF when killing any/all Palestinians.
Killing women/children and actively interfering with humanitarian efforts.
I have little sympathy to offer either side, but a general rule of war is to pretend you try to avoid civilian casualties. That quickly turns to genocide because of the simple definition.
Pretty sure a nuke would be overkill.
Having just looked at Google maps, I find it hard to believe the place exists at all after the amount of hardware sent their way.