LOL… BLM: “We’re ready to die”
Guy in red pickup: “Challenge accepted”
Sleepy Joe Rapinoe
ha he/she/it/them/her/his/its/spirit/alien/AI literally tried to hip check the truck
Would read again.
same lol
I sent the one below to my daughter. I stole it from here because her friends was in the hospital because of chest pains.
Naturally I asked if he just got the jab and she said no. He likes republican stuff.
But, turns out he did get it very recently and got myocarditis and will be fine.
yeah he’ll be fine.
what is this world?
@Onyx_Z32 over here waiting not getting any younger for an update
I’m on vacation this week so I won’t be posting much.
Busy at the moment, but I’ll be back!
:tup: bring it back
They’re not what they used to be, and I’m increasing disappointed. But we’re between elections and that typically means things are slower.