Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

Freedom Boner - Imgur

@bing what’s the Canadian response to closing the pipeline up there? We’re hearing down here that the Canadian government is pissed because of all the investment they’ve dumped into the project already.

My wife and I have pretty much lost canadian friends because we are deplorable racists.

They tried to educate us on why we are so terrible, but we were not buying.

I was amused that Canada wanted sanctions on the US because of the pipeline.

It sucks for the oild and gas industry, but nobody should be surprised. He literally said he was against franking and coal.

Day 1 in office. America was not first and the political elites are breathing a deep sigh of relief.

pretty terrible news cycle up here with this and a few other things but it doesnt matter because we are less racist and getting less racister and also you can print infinity monies forever without consequence soooooo…


So about those Bernie memes…

“People have been contacting me thinking that they can get mittens, and actually they can’t. I don’t have any more, and I don’t have much of a mitten business anymore because it really wasn’t worth it,” Jen Ellis explained to Slate. “Independent crafters get really taken for a ride by the federal government. We get taxed to the nth degree, and it wasn’t really worth it pursuing that as a business, even as a side hustle.”

Everything in here infuriates me. Keep it coming :rofl:

CAN - “You guys are irresponsible with your money.”
USA - ”uh…wanna see my F-35?”

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we dont seem to have a non-meme discussion thread anymore…

can anyone tell me why these guys keep getting bailed out and charges dropped?

Criminal justice reform. The crime just isn’t big enough anymore for society to care. That and prosecutors get more kudos for letting them go than they would for a conviction. Especially in Oregon.



Looks like it so far. But we’ll see if Schumer tests it.

“On Monday, The Washington Post reported that there is another Democrat who is not willing to eliminate the filibuster besides Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV); Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema.”

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So many memes I haven’t caught up on! OD INCOMING.