Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

That’s puts both the BPD and innocent civilians in so much more danger. What a ridiculous policy.

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Vivek leaning into the joke after people got offended on his behalf tells you a lot about him, lol


jump to 2:10, can’t remember if it was discussed on this forum…

If they use hollow points, they will be sued for intending to murder someone.

If they use fmj, they will be sued because it has a metal jacket to insure people will be murdered.

Everyone loses no matter what, but imagine what the allen town crowd would do when their local police need a tax increase to cover the cost of ammo. The shooting above would have cost hundreds of dollars.

Besides HP ammo should only be used in wars.

Good thing BPD did not use ARs. That suspect would have been un-dentifiable

HP ammo is banned under the Geneva Convention in war. The US however never signed that portion of the treaty though we we generally follow it (special forces will us HP ammo on certain ops). Considerably different hitting someone with an FMJ .223 out of a rifle than a .40 FMJ out of a handgun though.

NYPD definitely use HP.

I’ve got a Monroe County sheriff source so I’m going to message him. Now I’m really curious if Buffalo is one of the odd standouts. Anyone have an Amherst police friend or Erie County Sheriff?

I know the assistant chief of police of Amherst. I’ll reach out and update once I hear back.

Most departments running 9mm use 147grain hollow points. They don’t want rounds going through people and into others. I’d argue 40 has slightly better ballistics the 9mm but to be expected from a larger round.

Ok that police chase and shooting was fucking bonkers. The cop shooting out the passenger side of a moving car, and the one cop blasting through the windshield. Wtf they must have blown 1000 rounds of ammo off for an insurance ticket.

Amherst uses 40cal with hollow points.


Id rather have a 40 for sure as a cop.


I’ll take a mag full of 9mm HP that I’m far more likely to put on target in a stressful shooting situation, which is why so many agencies are dumping the .40.

Caliber arguments have been around forever. If you suck at shooting, don’t shoot often or are trying to manage several hundred people of varying proficiencies, the smaller the round the better. I’m honestly a bit surprised more departments aren’t going to like a 22 to save money and reduce risk/costs.

If you’re good at shooting and have a decent gun, you won’t hardly notice a 9mm vs 40.






Pander harder Nicki

Pretty sure this is called kidnapping…

Screen grab since previews aren’t working:

And the actual post:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1749401308971569167|twgr^6dc94fa55abee5eeb78d7be2544ae3b913fb1967|twcon^s3_&

This one is pretty wild. Alex Soros, son of Senator Palpaptine, I mean George Soros, opening calling for 47’s assassination?

The original tweet, with $47 and a bullet hole

Alex and his buddy

Alex and another buddy

Shouldn’t this picture be brown now?

Also. Nice save on redirect…
ixnay ethay ungay alktay inyay ethay esidentialpray eadthray





Biden’s latest stroke out…^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1749927444566491141|twgr^a44487a9e30b741741c63ecb373918722a89f734|twcon^s1_&

listen to them cheer his mumbling…

what world are we in?


Micro-business idea.
Create a store membership program for customers.

Maybe a social monitoring program where you need a certain amount of in store purchases or ratings to physically enter the store.

Otherwise you get minimum wage runners to fulfill your order through the bars after payment.

The same comapany could service multiple companies. Get your CVS, Walgreens and Rite aid from the same building. Just separate the windows by 100’.

Probably no need for in store shopping.
Just give gold card customers free delivery via subscription if within 10 miles.

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“We have no idea why it costs so much to heat your home…”



So this happened


Buddy finally got back to me, Monroe County Sheriffs all carry HP. Buffalo definitely looking like the standout with their FMJ restriction.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1751943239953764417|twgr^ffcda48ca9012ef0a6091492747a938772d3f4e0|twcon^s3_&




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