Pritty Sweet Turbo Set Up (pics)

Yep here are the pics

Oh yea did I mention this car was on my next door neighbors driveway, after it crashed through a tree and landed upside down, an inch away from messing up my neighbors car; the driver and passenger where both ok, only the littlest scratch. Truthfully I’m shocked, some sort of holy device was looking out tonight. (This was about 2 hours ago)

p.s it was a g20 with an sr20det :frowning:

I have a vid of the toe truck flipping the car, I’ll put it up later this week.

gosh, i want to know what the cops/insurance statement says…lol

car doing acbrobats ?

That car is mashed up damn…sucks

What happened? Looks like the rims are pretty mashed up… cheapies?

I was just about to go to bed at around 130- 2 ish and i hear this huge car crashing metal scraping sound out side my window and first thing i thought was “noooo!” my car cause I left it on the street. I looked out my front window, and what do I see, I see an up side down car on my neighbors drive way seeing two guys crawling out of it. I was like damn gotta call the ambulance but my neighbors where all ready on it; I heard them yelling it and such. I threw on some pants ran out side, and the guys seemed ok, lil bit in shock, but this one guy only had the littlest cut on his hand.

It seems as thought the car flipped a few times bashed threw like a 9-year-old tree, and ended up stoping on the driveway next to me. Not a single car on the road was hurt, a huge tree branch flew and landed in-between my dads car and the garage, but still noting got hit. It was pritty nuts, I’m sure the rim was cracked because it hit the curb causing it to flip.

It’s not to often a sr20det just lands right beside you.

holy siht!
that is some crazyness. reading the first post i thought it was YOU who did this… but then after reading your second post you make it clear that it wasnt you.

glad noone was seriously injured in the acrobat car, and it wasnt your car that got hit on the road.

dam guy thats serious… i hope it was a failure in the suspension or the balljoint went to cause this to happen and not them being stupid to snowball to something that serious!!

This is hilarious.

I laughed much like this;

“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha”

damn that sucks , FWD FTL, STREET RACING FTL!!!
im glad no one was hurt, but how does a car doing like what? somehwere between 40-65 flip a bunch of times and go threw a tree??? def notttttttttt doing something he/she should have been doing…
sucks tho none the lesss :frowning: poor thing…

he must have been going around a bend or turn pretty quick, lost traction, slammed into the curb and went flippidy do da day. If i’m right, he was going friggin fast…

Yea, that looks like speeding, acting stupid and getting owned.

wow what a stupid driver
who probably doesnt care for the safety of his car or others…seeing as he was doing this in your residential area

fwd sr20 is pretty dangerous, at sometimes, lol!!

Here is the toe truck dragging it a bit and flipping it over. It was much more kick ass in person.

Explore Brent Aman

Explore Brent Aman

your title is misleading

but that is quite a serious flip…must’ve been going quite fast

and to land soooo close to your neighbours car…that is just uncanny