Privacy Bushes

We are going to be ripping out our Hedges (fairly certain they are English Hedges) in two weeks. However occurred to me someone may be able to find a use for them. So they are free to whoever wants them, however you’d need to bring a helper or two to get them out. I am willing to lend a hand as well. If no takers before 7/20 then they are coming out and going to the compost facility.

If you want only a section or two that is acceptable, makes less work for me in the end.

I may be interested in these. How many feet do they cover. Let me talk to the wife. I could grab my dad’s truck and trailer and a tractor or two to help rip them out.

edit: I just saw that you live in Snyder. That’s where I’m at.

Those fuckers are huge! I am interested but need to find a way to get them to my house.

They have not really been maintained well, I have tried too. I started to thin them back towards the tree in the back so they are about 2 ft wide at the top there and about 8ft tall. Other spots are 12ft+ high and 5-6ft wide.

They need to be thinned back to about 2-3ft in width but I want them gone, much rather have a fence and turn that side of the yard into my veggie garden.
@Deathproof PM coming your way.

:tup: for fence…doing the same.

I have some bushes too I won’t need anymore…great idea to recycle them.