Landscaper help needed!!!!

I have about 95% of the inside of my house done and now I am trying to get the outside into decent shape. I have a fairly large hillside behind my house(about 140ft long width wise) that is out of control. I cut everything down earlier this year but it grows back so fast. I tried to pull all the roots but it takes a while doing it by myself. My new job requires me to work till 7 pm. I need either some advise or I need to hire someone for some help. I would partically like help in the clearing out of the hillside so it would never grow back. I then would just plant new ivy or those bushed that grow like ivy so it would look decent. Here are some pics I took of it…so anyone who knows about landscaping can throw a few pointers or if anyone would like some work feel free to reply. :bigok:

![ Pics 001.jpg]( Pics 001.jpg)

![ Pics 002.jpg]( Pics 002.jpg)

![ Pics 003.jpg]( Pics 003.jpg)
Here is a part of the wall that will need to be rebuilt.

![ Pics 004.jpg]( Pics 004.jpg)

![ Pics 005.jpg]( Pics 005.jpg)
Here is the front of the house I want to get rid of those huge bushes and put something that looks better there.

Have you tried spraying it with ground clear after cutting it down?

Don’t know what all you’re looking for, but I can give you a bunch of day lilies to plant. I can separate some from mine or get them from my dad - bunch of different colors. They’re easy to care for too - just hack them off close to ground level in the fall and they come right back up in the spring.

Make sure you get some evergreens in there too so it’s not bare in the winter. Boxwoods grow pretty well and you can trim them back to keep them under control.

From when I was pulling the roots out I could tell they would all need to pulled since they were all so big. My plan was to pull up all the roots and then spray it.

You could also spray with bleach after cutting…

What is at the top of the hill? If you plant an ivy… it will run up over the hill and onto whatever is up there. If it is a road up there… it shouldn’t matter. But the ivy will also grow down into your yard. You could put a multi level planting beds. This would require several (probably 3) levels with some sort of walls… interlocking bricks or something… then plant on each level. This should make it easier to maintain… but will be expensive to do. Does that embankment slide at all? If so this could knock out a lower grade wall.

Eurodad has taught you well

I am pretty sure all the roots will have to be pulled to stop this stuff…neighbors told me many times it has been attempted to clear out the hill side and a few times it was sprayed. I want to keep it as cheep as possible…I would rather save some $$$ so I can finally get a new clutch in the ws6.

hack them off with a weed whacker that has a thick blade… eurodad can tell you what it is called, then spray them… they will be dead in a week or less… then scrape everything off with a flat shovel or some other tool that works well <- lots of work…

After you get it cleared… try putting that black landscpae fabric down … I’ve also heard covering with news paper works well too.

I think you will need to put some sort of step type beds on there… if you clear it… then mulch it… the way it is… all the mulch will slide off… you would need to cut some sort of steps into it…

What does the neighbor have on theirs?

Those rusty old pipes and pieces of steel will be a bitch to get out… you would probably be better off to add a wall infront of the original… and… leave the original there.

I think Steve and I can handle it :naughty:

By the way… the stuff in the center of the first picture looks like Sumac… be careful.

Are you helping him?

I dont think they will that hard …may need to dig a little thats all

Only if you don’t show up and throw out orders :booty:

I only order Eurodad… :rant:

edit: who doesn’t listen anyway…

Sumac sucks…we had some in the back yard and it took a year to get it killed off, digging up all the roots (trying 3 times) is the only thing that worked, that and a backhoe afterwards…:ugh: I hate the shit. I would highly suggest some landscaping fabric after that to keep anything from coming back up. Stuff works great.

Do any of them really listen? Or do they just smile and nod and do whatever they were doing in the first place :dunno:

bics…i have a couple of weedwackers with nice metal blades that will cut that shit down to the ground…and i can hook u up with a spray that will kill all of that shit…but u wont beable to plant anything until next year

a couple of other things you can do is rip a lot of it out…it will be a bitch but will be good…

dont tear out the pipes…some of em seem to be holding up your wall!!!

just pull/cut everthing down and clean it up real good. the spray it with round-up. mix it alittle stronger than normal.spray it real good wait a week or 2 and spray it again. that should keep it under control till you are ready to plant it. If you want a sprading plant, use a juniper or some pacasandra (SP?)or just clean it up real good, and throw a bunch of wild flower seed on it.

(i have some round-up i will give you, we just need to figure out how to get it to ya)