Probably illegal, but who cares...

Is Phonezoo really FREE?
Yes! We are a completely FREE service. Phonezoo will not charge you anything for creating, storing or sharing ringtones. Keep in mind that only non-copyrighted material can be shared. For the content marked copyright, we ask you to upload your copy of the song. We make money when people click on advertisements on our site and buy products form our preferred vendors.

Charges from your carrier will occur just like when you download anything on the phone from the web. Many people have internet access on the phone as a part of the monthly plan. If you don’t, your carrier may charge you for internet access to download the ringtone. You may also get charged for the text messages. The text message charges are usually 10c and internet access is around 1c/kb i.e. a typical ringtone download will cost about 60c-70c. Many calling plans these days have both messaging and internet access included - you should check your specific plan to see what is included.