I wasn’t going to post this but I believe if you advertise here you are subject to good and bad reviews. Chuck from Custom and Sound has had my wheels since november while everyone else here has been gettin there parts back. I will agree that I didn’t communicate to chuck properly what i wanted done but the lack of response to PMs and IM’s in that past three months has driven me to post about it. I was supposed to pick my wheels up when they were in an unfinished state but i responded to hold off on that and see if we can’t figure something else out. Time past and i wanted some updates and what i got was no responses. The last reponse i got directly from chuck was that i was supposed to come look at the wheels which I didn’t and that he sent them off to someone else to get chromed. Now i have no problem with that except i wasn’t called to ask me if i wanted this, if it was gonna cost me anything and when i was getting them back. All i got was that the guy was back logged with 5 months worth of chrome work. Now we are in the beggining of april, no response still to my pm’s or im’s so i contact another member to get a hold of him which he does. I am forwarded a link to custom and sounds policy of parts not picked up which is along the line of: parts not picked up within a certain time they are melted, scrapped or sold. Then i got a story about he can’t get in contact with the chrome guy to see about my wheels and i said that i want an uncurbed set on monte SS wheels by may 1st.
chuck, we can resolve this easy. Get my wheels from the chrome guy or give me his number and i’ll get them or get me a set of wheels by sunday. If not then we are gonna need to talk to see how this can be fixed.
i did that too. and i sent him my number many times as well. I don’t want no more explanations anyway, i want my wheels. Don’t you think if you had someones stuff that your were gonna get paid for you would call them to come get em?
redkneck: regardless of who you belive, november dropped wheels off, april 25th still no wheels back.
I also explained this to many people before comming out and posting, i’ve been more than patient and accomodating and now i think i’m out 4 very good condition wheels. I told him i was going to make it public and speak to the magistrate and it can’t be resolved privately, may 1 is sunday and i got no word. I just want to be delt with on the level, this isn’t PS nonsense its business.
Don’t mean to butt in. But if you are having stuff chromed don’t be surprised if it takes a couple months. I went to take stuff to a good chrome shop a couple weeks ago and they told me 7 to 8 months!!! This was for a bike so summer is going to be here soon and decided to paint some of the parts instead. I am sure everything will work out.
no, that site in her sig is her personal site for Website shit. :rolleyes:
Chroming takes time and chuck doesn;t do chrome dipping plating himself. So you are at the mercy of the shop he sent them to.
Other than that if you didn’t want people to butt in don;t post it on a public forum. Sorry but the last thing I would do is start posting about it on some place like this.
If I take my car to your dad’s shop and he fucks somthing up (not saying I have or he ever has just an example) I’m not going to start bitching to you or him on here about it. I’m going to call, stop by, then get legal matters involved…
lol no it was the way you said it “big expensive equip” like there was a company that made big cheap equip…kinda like “honest car sales” i prefer to buy from the guys at “dishonest car sales” oh ho hum