Product review: Surf City Garage Seal And Glaze

Purchased this product, after hearing a great deal of positive info about it.

Will use it on my cars and see how it comes out.

Step 1: Nano-Seal Protective Coat

This part does require a bit of patience–24 hours to be exact. That’s how long it takes Nano-Shine Protective Coat, our proprietary Nanoprecision Sealer, to fill 100% of the pores in your paint. These pores are so small that you’d need a super-powerful microscope just to see them. But even the smallest unsealed pores absorb light, seriously degrading your shine. Only Nano-Seal seals every single one, making your shine more brilliant than ever.

Step 2: Nano-Shine Glaze Coat

Only Nano-Shine’s perfect combination of proprietary gloss enhancing polymers is clear coat safe and gives your car a mirror finish as smooth as glass. And this 100% Nanoprecision Gloss will keep on looking great, since dust and dirt can’t adhere. Nano-Shine also makes your car easier to wash. It even keeps on working after hundreds of washings. So Shine On. You’ll know the wait’s been worth it.