4:50 M W F
yeah hes right, making a diet is the biggest pain in the balls…and its a bigger pain in the balls to follow. because you should follow it completely
iiiiiiiiiight thanks
Im doin this ass backwards, tryin to gain muscle mass and strength while losing weight in the midsection.
the only way i can lose my gut is long distance running which i despise until about 3 miles in, i’m just not motivated enough to consistently break past the runner’s "wall " :facepalm :lol
yeah you might as well pop d bols for breakfast, shoot decca for lunch, and drink enth for dinner until february…youll be like 250lbs jacked out of your mind, pissed off at the planet, and be able to eat whatever you want. THen take like 100mgs of winnie a day and 3ccs of tren a week from feb to may…youll be happy if you live lol
Haha, well that all sounds great, but Im not made of cash :lol
Lmao that sounds healthy for your liver
Dave…Im dyyyiiinnngggg :rofl
yah fuck it, it would be nice to keep your balls too. well time to go to fucking school and then hit the gym…laterr
Pz nucka!
i heard tren gives you saggy tits and super sensitive nipples…
I been eating clean as fuck lately.
Carbs under 150g a day. Protein 215g or so
Im on and off good, its so bad lol. The 1st half of the day i eat awesome, then night time comes and I get hungry and eat teh doodoo
I eat like a machine! but I go to the gym almost evryday/work as a server (running around all day). I’m VERY active.
I’m at ~188lb right now and I’d say pretty low body fat %…
The only thing I dont really like about the current training is that its only 3X a week. I used to go 5X a week, but I think that this routine wouldnt be doable everyday lol.
adam: make chest bigger. by doing so, it will make your gut look smaller at the same time
My main weakness is also my diet. Ill usually eat a shitty lunch but a decent breakfast (yogurt) and a home cooked dinner but just grab pure shit for lunch while working.
Ive been going 5 days a week for the past month and Ive seemed to tone a little but cant seem to lose any weight. I stay right around 248-252.
Three days full workouts and two days cardio.
:rofl Yeah, thats one way to do it I guess lol
adamn what everyone is trying to say is…your hot